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Events is a simple mechanism to create a machine from the Lan Controller that performs programmed actions in the event of certain conditions. For example, turn on the OUT1 when the temperature exceeds a certain value or send an e-mail when the logic state changes, etc. An innovation is the mechanism of combining two conditions with the logical operator, the fulfillment of which gives the assumed reaction.


Elements of page

  1. The first condition (basic).

    The condition consists of 3 elements:

    • source - defined by the first two fields, where you can choose between analog inputs and digital inputs. Among the digital input options are also virtual EVENT states described in the Scheduler configuration.
    • if - the operator >=, <, =
    • reference value and hysteresis
  2. The second condition (optional, grayed out unless the logical operator is selected (point 3)).

  3. The choice of the operator for the conditions, the action, the delay and the addition button.

    Operator is used to implement the dependence of two conditions. When selecting a single condition, select the - character.

    Action performed after the conditions have been met, eg switching the relay.

    Off delay delays the deactivation of the action when the condition is no longer met.

  4. Table of logical states.

    An auxiliary operator action table, showing the operator's possible results depending on the conditions.

  5. List of events.

    It presents information about set events, current state of conditions (No/Yes) and actions (in both cases a colorful background). The last column contains checkboxes for enabling event On and making it permanent Per. It also contains buttons for deleting and editing event.

    For permanent event the action is executed as long as the condition is met. For normal event the action is executed only on change of condition result. It should be remembered that in the case of permanent event and an output, control over it is lost so that manual changes will not be permanent, because after a while the state will be forced by the event.

Comining multiple events

Events can be related to each other using EVENT variables that can store the results of individual events. Then the EVENT variables should be used as components of the conditions of a new event in which they will be associated by the selected operator. As a result, you can define more complicated conditions, incl. connect events with the OR operator as in version SW 1.36 (details in the section below).

Events - combining multiple

Changed operation in HW 3.5+ SW 1.36

Active events with the same Action, one of OUT, PWM, EVENT, are considered together whenever their conditions change, with the priority of executing the action of the event whose conditions are met. In other words, such events will act as if they were linked by an OR operator.

For example, consider the events in the image below. Event 1 whose conditions are true and not event 2 is active, even if its condition has changed recently.

Events - example

If the conditions of events with mutually exclusive actions are met, e.g. OUT0=1 and OUT0=0, the action on the event on a further position will be executed.

In other versions, events with the same action are considered independently of each other when their conditions change. As a result, the action of the event whose condition recently changed is executed.

Action AutoSwitch (periodic switching)

From HW 3.5+ SW 1.38, the output state is remembered before the AutoSwitch action is triggered via the event, so that when the event stops, the output returns to the state it was before the AutoSwitch action.

Last update: 2021-03-15
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